Non-profit consulting and learning services
I speak from experience and from the heart. I facilitate with intention, using Mentimeter to interact with audiences. Let me customize a workshop for your specific objectives, or, share a workshop on pertinent volunteer engagement topics with your professional association's members. Either way, you can sit back and enjoy the learning experience!
When it comes time to bring volunteers on board to make your signature event run smoothly, are you “making do” and flying by the seat of your pants?
Your community's great day includes services delivered by a volunteer team.
I've worked as a leader of volunteers at some of Canada’s largest signature events and know how to communicate with volunteers to make them feel included, appreciated, and connected to your organizational mission.
Volunteer engagement professionals have public-facing roles and a massive influence on your charity or non-profit's reputation with not only volunteers but also service users, partners, and funders. If you've never worked as a leader of volunteers, taking into account all aspects of the volunteer engagement cycle and rapidly-changing volunteer involvement trends for your subsector while hiring can be overwhelming.
Whether you’re seeking talent to lead strategic planning and operations, engage directly with volunteers throughout their giving journeys, or something in between, I can help.
Volunteers have come to expect recognition of volunteer impact during National Volunteer Week But too often, this involves "mad scramble" campaign launches, disorganized event planning meetings, uninspired generic thank yous, and staff working long hours.
I've project planned, led, and project managed dozens of National Volunteer Week campaigns and events, and prepared staff with skills and collateral to say thanks in a meaningful way.