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  • Writer's pictureJessica

Black Lives Matter: Learning and Unlearning

Updated: Jun 11, 2020

This is a blog about learning so I'm going to share my experience of learning about systemic racism, effective allyship, and Black History. I invite everyone reading to share feedback and resources with me. Black readers: if you are interested in contributing a guest post, please reach out- I am open to any way you’d like to share your thoughts. Please do not feel obligated to do this- I know it is not your responsibility to teach me or anyone else, and I have seen other Black people express that they are exhausted.

I am complicit to white supremacy and I know I can do better. I read something on the "Subtle Cantonese Traits" Facebook group yesterday that resonated with me a lot, a fellow group member (initials F.N.) responded to a thread around racism against Black people in Chinese communities by posting "I read somewhere that unfortunately the minorities learn about other minority groups' stereotypes through the lens of white supremacy."

The ongoing oppression of Black people is horrifying, infuriating, and saddening. Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Regis Korchinski-Paquet, Trayvon Martin were murdered. They, their families, and countless other Black people murdered for "looking suspicious" or "being in the wrong place at the wrong time", deserve justice.

Learning means screwing up. And I've screwed up already with the wrong hashtag on my black Instagram square. The real intention of Jamila Thomas and Brianna Agyemang's June 2 campaign was to pause and "come together and figure out how we can hold our partners, colleagues and companies alike, accountable to come up with and execute a plan that actively supports and protects the VERY CULTURE that it profits from."

I also screwed up by posting an image with the words "Yellow Peril Supports Black Lives". By posting that image I centered the conversation around me and other East Asians. Yes, we can show solidarity in our struggle but the point is- this isn't about us.

This learning is uncomfortable. This learning is important. And part of this learning means unlearning.

"We need to unpack our shit,unlearn all of the problematic things we have been taught for so long, and educate ourselves."- Julissa Calderon

Here are some resources that I have learned from/ continue to learn from:

Compilation of resources- A good place to start:

Documentary- Ava DuVernay's 13th (free on YouTube):

Social- Brandon Kyle Goodman's Instagram account (I highly recommend his videos):

Video- We Cannot Stay Silent About George Floyd | Patriot Act Digital Exclusive:

Here are some resources that I commit to learning from in the next month:

Video- Black Feminism & the Movement for Black Lives: Barbara Smith, Reina Gossett, Charlene Carruthers:

Video- Let's get to the root of racial injustice | Megan Ming Francis:

Book- Me and White Supremacy:

Black lives matter.

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